Polymath | Brave New World

This ambitious project aimed to draw a metaphorical parallel between the evolving landscape of AI in art and the dystopian themes explored in Aldous Huxley's classic novel, "Brave New World." Through a combination of visual storytelling and immersive audio experiences, the project sought to navigate the complexities of technological advancement while reflecting on the potential consequences for humanity.


Polymath, BLDG, American Advertising Federation


April 1, 2024


Music Strategy, Music Production, Sound Design


In a 3-way collaboration, design agency BLDG, motion design agency POLYMATH, and PLAY Audio Agency joined forces to bring to life the theme of "Brave New World." This ambitious project aimed to draw a metaphorical parallel between the evolving landscape of AI in art and the dystopian themes explored in Aldous Huxley's classic novel, "Brave New World." Through a combination of visual storytelling and immersive audio experiences, the project sought to navigate the complexities of technological advancement while reflecting on the potential consequences for humanity.


  • Explore the intersection of AI and art, drawing parallels with themes from "Brave New World."
  • Create a visually stunning journey through different historical epochs, culminating in today's hyper-processed AI world.
  • Develop a musical score that balances darkness and optimism, reflecting the duality of technological progress.


The collaboration began with extensive research and brainstorming sessions to conceptualize the overarching theme and narrative arc. Drawing inspiration from Huxley's novel, the team identified key motifs such as technological control, societal conditioning, and the pursuit of progress.

BLDG took the lead in crafting the initial theme design, leveraging their expertise in design to conceptualize the overarching concept.

POLYMATH brought the story to life drawing inspiration from Huxley's novel, the team identified key motifs such as technological control, societal conditioning, and the pursuit of progress. They then lent their expertise in animation to breathe life into the visual narrative, employing cutting-edge techniques to create immersive and dynamic animations. From flowing lava to form the iron age to future facing interfaces, the animation seamlessly illustrated the theme, bringing the story to life.

PLAY Audio Agency took on the challenge of crafting the musical score, working closely with POLYMATH and BLDG to ensure a cohesive audio-visual experience. The music was designed to evoke a sense of foreboding yet tempered with hope, reflecting the delicate balance between the potential dangers of AI and the resilience of the human spirit. Drawing from a diverse range of musical influences, the score evolved alongside the visual narrative, enhancing emotional resonance and immersing the audience in the experience.


The collaborative effort resulted in a captivating multimedia experience that resonated with the audience of the 2024 AAF Addy Awards. By drawing parallels between the themes of "Brave New World" and the contemporary discourse surrounding AI in art, the project sparked meaningful conversations about the ethical implications of technological advancement. The visually stunning journey, coupled with the evocative musical score, provided a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between humanity and technology. Ultimately, the collaboration between BLDG, POLYMATH, and PLAY Audio Agency demonstrated the power of interdisciplinary collaboration in creating impactful and engaging storytelling experiences.






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